Because the center of population had shifted from Lower Braidwood a new site was purchased in June of 1888, at the Southwest corner of Main and School Streets. The old rectory was moved from Lower Braidwood to the new Church, a modern structure, 50 by 123 feet, built and dedicated November 3rd, 1888, at a total cost of $14,000.00.
At 3:00 A.M., September 18, 1911, lightning struck the high steeple, causing a fire that completely destroyed the edifice. Services were held on the ground floor of The Free Gardners Hall, while a new church was built and dedicated Sunday, December 8, 1912. The old rectory, which escaped the fire that destroyed the nearby church in 1911, was itself destroyed by fire, following a boiler explosion in 1947. A new ranch-type home was built in 1949, at a cost of about $30,000. A parish hall was built on Main Street, West of the church in 1953, at an estimated cost of $25,000.00.
There were a great number of people who gave of their time, talent, and treasure to make the parish what it was when it was first opened in 1869. The immigrants that came from Europe hardly had a dime in their pockets but together they, with their faith and the grace of God within them, built this parish with their prayers and good works dedicated to Almighty God.